About Us
Willow Bank Pre-School is a not for profit charity organisation, for children from the ages of 2 ½ to 5 years.
Willow Bank is staffed by qualified / unqualified professionals and run by a committee of elected parents / carers. The committee plays a vital role to keep the Pre-School open.
We officially opened as a Pre-School in 2001, before this the building was used as a playgroup from as far back as the 1980s. The Pre-School moved into the purpose built log cabin in 2011.
At Willow Bank, we provide children with a facility that meets all their needs, compliant with the Early Years Foundation Stage.
You are welcome to visit the setting and meet our staff by appointment.
Please contact us via email : willowbank@weycp.org.uk or phone on 0118 927 2338.